Workshop Crystal Clear

This course is designed for functional application administrators and/or users who want to develop the necessary skills related to Clystal Clear reports

The Workshop Crystal Clear will focus on reporting available in Diamant. In a period of two weeks there will be two days on which the workshop is being held. In the period  between the two workshop days the participant is expected to practise a lot with making and adapting reports. We expect active participation through adding examples that may be used during the workshops.

what you will learn

  • Fixing of day to day problems that you may come across while working with Crystal Clear
  • Incorporate received tips for working with Crystal Clear
  • Adapt standarised reports to meet centre specific whishes

admission criteria

  • Basic Knowledge of working with Crystal Clear
  • Enough time to practise between workshop days
  • User rights for access Crystal Clear in your centre


  • Participants will receive a certificate after completion of the course.

course information

Course duration: 2 days within a two week period
Location: Diasoft office in Leusden.
Number of participants: minimum 2 – maximum 4

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